Dreamers - Dreams Foundation - Seeding and helping grassroots entrepreneurs


Dream: To put her hard-earned money in agriculture without the burden of debt

Leela lives with her big family and works as an artisan as the main earning member, forced to take up work when the men of the family faced unemployment.It is commonpractice to take a loan from a money lender at any rate of interest when needed. What happened with her family was no different and when they were unable to repay a loan of ₹ 15,000, they were pushing Rs 1500 from her income for years toward nullifying the debt.

She received a loan from Dreams Foundation and now she can use her hard earned money for agriculture and other productive activities. Leela is happy to repay this from her income, rather than interest and she is thankful to Dreams Foundation!


Dream: To ensure good healthcare for her husband

Ramila lives as a very hard working artisan. She married Babu and helped him complete his MA and B.Ed. Unfortunately, he was unable to get a job and his frustration pushed him to great mental suffering. Ramila is single-handedlyhandling the situation and has spent lot of money for his treatment, for which she had to take a loan and is paying a high interest of Rs 25,000 every month. She is really happy to be receiving support from Dreams and an additional income of Rs 2,500 every month, which she is investing in agriculture. 

It would have been impossible for her to repay her loan amount. This wonderful support from Dreams foundation has decreased her burden and improved her life.


Dream: To support her father’s income to repay loan


Heena’s father at a factory, but is not earning enough to meet the family’s needs. The entire family is overjoyed at having received the sewing machine. Heena herself is very excited to start stitching and earning and wants to work very hard to repay her loan as fast as possible.


Harsha behn

Dream: To help make young girls economically independent

Harsha behn lives with the purpose of training as many girls as possible in the vocation of stitching. This endeavor has her traveling 2 hours back and forth, and her entire day is spent in teaching young women, inspiring them to work hard and be economically self-sufficient. In her spare time over weekends, she plans to stitch to sell.
Her entire life is devoted to make others smile.


Dream: To support her father’s income by stitching garments


Dipali belongs to Behrampura and dreams of solving her family’s financial struggle by working and stitching garments. Her dad the only earning member of their family of 6, delivering gas cylinders for a living, and his income is insufficient for the family.