JAGRUTI is a 23-year old mother who has a knack for design and intricate craftsmanship. She started Jiya Accessories, a small jeweler manufacturing enterprise with a seed capital from Dreams of just one lakh rupees. Today, Jiya Accessories employs 25 home- based workers and has enabled JagruH and her husband to buy their own home and enroll their daughter in a beIer school. JagruH hopes to provide a good life for her daughter and her family.
KHUSHBOO is a bright girl who grew up in a very simple, hard-working family. Her mom is a tailor and her dad works as an office-boy. Khushboo, through her own initiative, started learning computer skills as she was going to college. With a loan of 29,000 rupees from Dreams, she bought a laptop, which helped her earn additional income through data entry jobs. In two years, she mastered enough computer skills and so>ware to become a computer teacher at Manav Sadhna. During this time, she became familiar with accounting so>ware and has moved on to complete her post-graduate degree in accounting. She has taken up an accounting job at a university. The laptop empowered Khushboo to follow her dreams. She plans to repay the entire loan as soon as she saves enough money.
MAYABHAI is a leather artisan based in Rapar, Kutch.He has changed the conventional methods of his craft by creating innovative designs according to the current demands. When he gets orders for products, he is able to employ 30 women in his locality. With the seed money of 50,000 rupees from Dreams, he invested in the raw materials required to create an inventory of slippers and bags to sell at exhibitions. He is no longer solely dependent on orders, which means he can earn more regularly. In addition to providing livelihood in his community, he can now afford his daughter’s higher education, so that she may pursue her own interests. From his earnings he will be able to continue investing in a material bank.
BHARAT lost his father at a very tender age. His mother struggled to make the ends meet. Despite the cumbersome challenges, Bharat discovered his love for and natural talent of dancing. After performing in many shows, he is currently a dance choreographer and teacher for a non-profit organization that serves unprivileged children.
Although he loves his work, he also needs to earn more to support his wife and child. He took a loan from Dreams to buy a sound system with amplifiers and is running a small business on the side, where he rents out his equipment for events and programs.
This small enterprise has helped Bharat balance his passion with also providing for his family.
BHANUBEN inherited the onus of leather craft from her family, who migrated from Karachi, Pakistan.The transition to India has been difficult. Bhanuben’s father had his own leatherwork business in Mumbai, but after a rejection in an export contract order, they lost everything. Soon after, her father passed away
But Bhanuben was not going to give up. She took a loan from Dreams for working capital. Today, she is innovating on designs and provides employment to 50 women. Bhanuben believes that if the will is there, anything is possible.